Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Blood Type Diet

I just wanted to mention a few more things about some of the diets out there. One of them is the blood type diet. This one only makes sense if you are aware that there are some things that certain blood types tend to have more difficulty eating. For example, the Blood Type O are more likely to have a hypersensitivity to dairy.

One of the issues with the blood type diet is that you may not know your blood type. Getting typed can cost you $25-30 or more depending upon where you have it done. Of course if you donate blood, you can find out just for donating. This is obviously a great public service to those who need blood transfusions.

The other issue here is that if you live with 4-5 other people, it may mean that you are cooking a variety of foods for each meal. How long will that last? If we go by how long an individual can cook specified meals to follow a diet, if they have to cook more than one, it is likely to go by the wayside fairly quickly.

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