Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sprain versus Strain

Many people have asked me the difference between sprains and strains, so I thought I would share this with all of you. Sprains are injuries to the ligaments. The one we're all probably most familiar with is the ankle. These usually occur when we move the joint beyond it's normal range of motion and the ligaments which support the joint are stretched. There is usually pain and swelling when this happens.

Treatment is an acronym called RICE. R is for rest. Rest the injured joint for several days. I is for ice. For the first 24-48 hours apply ice to the joint, on 20-30 mintes and off 20-30 minutes. Be careful not to put the ice directly on the joint. C is for compression. Use something like an ace wrap. The minimizes the swelling and helps support the joint while the ligaments are healing. E is for elevation. Elevate the joint above the level of the heart if possible. This will also help with swelling and decreases the discomfort as well.

Tomorrow I'll talk about strains.

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