Friday, June 26, 2009

Balancing the Diet

Eating a balanced diet was an adage that worked well when our food sources contained less chemicals and our fruits and vegetables were more organic in nature. Today eating a balanced diet will not give you the health that it once could have. Today, you need to supplement in order to maximize your health.

The problem is that most doctors know less about nutrition than you do. And they know even less about supplements. I think I have said it before but, nutrition is usually offered as a 1/2 to 1 day of course work in medical school and it is documented to be the least attended class. Some physicians have gone out and learned more about nutrition on their own, but that is not the norm. While same may do this, the other part that is missing is their knowledge of supplements and what they can do to assist you to have a healthier life. The reason for this is because medical school focuses on illness not wellness. So your doctor has been indoctrinated into healing people once they are sick not into keeping them well so they don't get sick.

1 comment: said...

"... medical school focuses on illness not wellness. So your doctor has been indoctrinated into healing people once they are sick not into keeping them well so they don't get sick."

Sad but true. My doctors just aren't much help.