Friday, April 17, 2009

Eye Health

One of the biggest challenges for our eyes these days is the use of computers. I'm sure you have experienced what I have after spending long hours in front of the computer. Sometimes we just call it eye strain, but it has gotten a more formal title these days, that is Computer Vision Syndrome.

Some of the symptoms you may experience are dry, irritated, red eyes and eye fatigue. Computer Vision Syndrome is actually much more prevalent than carpel tunnel syndrome in computer users. We've all seen the ergonomic key boards and mice, but no one really talks a lot about the visual problem which is more prevalent.

Some of the other symptoms that you can experience are blurred distant or far vision, headaches, neck and back aches, and double vision.

Over the next few days I'll be talking about how to relieve some of the symptoms and help your eyes if you use the computer for many hours a day.

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