Sunday, April 12, 2009

Soy - the Cons

The biggest con to soy is the it can interfere with the thyroid gland. This is especially true in people who are iodine deficient. The gland is not able to function in it's normal way and this gets worse when soy is added into the body.

While iodine deficiency is a rarity in the USA today, what is not is the incidence of thyroid disease. Soy can actually reduce the absorption of thyroid medications that many people are taking. So the best advice for soy specifically is not to eat or drink a soy product within 1-2 hours of taking your thyroid medication.

The likelihood that you will get too much isoflavones is not an issue unless you are taking supplements in addition to eating soy foods. If you are eating soy in your diet, decease the amount of isoflavones in the supplements that you take.

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