Thursday, April 2, 2009

Fasting Helps Prevent Disease

While I'm on the subject of fasting, there is research that tells us that fasting can help with several common diseases. I mention a couple of those yesterday in terms of cognitive function.

But other diseases which fasting may help protect you from are heart disease, diabetes, and asthma to name a few where research is being conducted. With intermittent fasting, researchers found a 40% reduction in the risk for heart disease. This can be very significant if you are one of the 65% of Americans who are overweight.

The incidence of diabetes has been shown to decrease which is not a huge surprise is you are eating less. In Asthmatics, the number of attacks was decreased and the overall symptoms from Asthma were less.

The greatest thing about fasting is how good you feel and how much more energy you will have. This combined with the decrease in disease means you'll live a longer, happier life.

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