Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Instead of Crying, Laugh

Right now with the economy as it is, many of you may "feel like crying." But the healthier thing to do is to laugh. If you get what you think about, if your thoughts are sad and you're crying you will get more of it - or more reason to do it. If you are laughing and seeing the positive, you will get more of that too.

You don't need humor to laugh. How many times have you laughed because someone else was laughing. You may not even know why they are laughing, but you begin to laugh too. I'm sure you've heard the adage "Laugh until you pee your pants."

Scientific studies have shown that laughter on a regular basis lifts the mood, deceases stress, lowers blood pressure and lowers cholesterol. A 20 minute bout of laughter can actually lower the cholesterol by 6 points. This is better than what oatmeal can do for your cholesterol! The same 20 minutes can lower your blood pressure by 6 points as well. This is from a study done at Loma Linda University.

So just try saying HA, HA, HA thirty times. If you're not laughing, force it and say it 30 more times. Try it with a spouse or a friend, if one of you truly starts to laugh so will the other. Then look around and you will see more happiness around you.

1 comment:

Laurie Tossy said...

I read your post and started to laugh! Not until I "peed my pants" but I did laugh--and I liked it a lot better than oatmeal!

Thanks Dr Linda!