Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ropeless Jumping

If jumping rope is a problem for you because of wrist problems, or just being coordinated enough not to get yourself tangled up in the rope and falling, try jumping without a rope. Just bounce on your toes. You don't even have to bring your feet off of the floor. Start with both feet bouncing at the same time.

As you increase your endurance and strength, you can shift your weight from your left to your right and back. This will give you some other strengthening as you jump. I call this bouncing rather than jumping, because you are actually not bringing your feet off of the floor as you would if you were jumping.

Start out with 4-5 minutes of the bouncing. You will find when you first start, that you might not have much endurance and may not be able to go for the full 4-5 minutes. Do what you can and add time slowly every 3-4 days.

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