Friday, January 16, 2009

Dieting Tip #2

Now that you have cleaned out your refrigerator and cupboards, go shopping for the healthy foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables are what you are looking for along with some healthy choices of protein like meat, fish, nuts, white cheese, and legumes.

Have a least 1-2 servings of fruit each day. Remember, a serving is 1/2 cup. I use fruits as desserts because of the sweetness. Some of the best fruit for dieting is apples, berries, pears and plums. Lose the juices, they contain too much sugar. If you have to have orange juice, eat an orange. Far better for you than the orange juice.

Fresh vegetable should include enough for 4-5 servings a day or more. Dark greens, yams, and any colorful vegetables. You may need to supplement here with frozen vegetables which is OK. Try to avoid the canned vegetables as they have lost some of their nutrient value in the canning process.

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