Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kiwi Fruit - Super Food

Kiwi fruit is another one of those super foods. One of the reasons kiwi is considered a super food is because it contains arginine. Arginine is an essential amino acid in the body and although we do manufacture it within our bodies, supplementation is often needed.

Arginine works in the immune system by stimulating the thymus gland to produce T-lymphocytes or you may have heard them called T-cells. If you think of the immune system as an army, the T-cells come in 3 varieties, helper, killer, and suppressor cells. These cells regulate immune reactions and control b-cell development.

What all of the last paragraph means is that T-cells are responsible for controlling the immune system. If the immune system is suppressed, then your immune system will be unable to fight off illness and disease.

A few of the disease entities that arginine helps with are cancer, HIV, any disease that has compromised blood flow (ie heart disease), and improves impotence.

More on the benefits of this super food tomorrow

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