Thursday, January 15, 2009

Some Dieting Tips

I'm in the frigid area of northern Wisconsin for my mother's 94 birthday. Have gotten several questions while I'm here about dieting and what to eat. So thought I would give you all a few tips about dieting.

I don't believe in diets because I don't believe that they work. They do for a short period, but to sustain weight loss you have to make life style changes that are truly changes. Many of you have seen what happened to Oprah. While she made life style changes, she used illness as an excuse to revert, so maybe they weren't really changes that she made.

First and foremost, remove the junk foods - chips, cookies, candy, etc that are your weaknesses. It is far easier to move forward with healthy eating if the things that are unhealthy just aren't there. I know this is not an easy thing to do, but ask yourself if you are really serious about this. If you are, clean out the cupboards and the refrigerator.

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