Monday, January 26, 2009

More on the Super Food Kiwi Fruit

As I mentioned yesterday, arginine is one of the key ingredients in Kiwi fruit. Arginine works in the liver to detoxify the liver by neutralizing ammonia and other toxic substances. I could go through the Krebs cycle, but you would be bored to death and what is important here is to understand that when you build up ammonia in the body, it eventually ends up forming aldehyde which you may know as formaldehyde, something we use to preserve bodies that have died. Sometimes this is referred to as pickling the body. The problem is we are not dead yet and we don't need or want our brain pickled. So the detoxification process in the liver is a critical element to us staying well and mentally sharp.

Arginine is is required for the body to form urea, which is how the body removes ammonia in the urine.

There is more that arginine does in the body Tune in tomorrow.

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