Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Weight Loss and Kiwi Fruit

Here's the last bit on Kiwi fruit. Arginine, which I have spoken about for the past few days, is found in kiwi fruit. This amino acid plays a key role in muscle health by helping the body to process creatine. Creatine is a substance which helps us build muscle mass. Arginine also helps the body process nitrogen, which is needed for muscle metabolism. Through this process, arginine actually helps reduce body fat by increasing muscle mass and speeds up weight loss.

Athletes as well as those with arthritis, may find arginine helpful in repairing damaged tissues to heal more quickly.

Did you have any idea this little kiwi fruit could do so much? Oh, and one more thing, kiwi fruit is ranked as the 4th highest antioxidant potential. One of these antioxidants is lutein which we know helps to decrease the progression of macular degeneration and may actually prevent it if we have the right levels.

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